Saturday, January 9, 2010


Here is Kennedy's Nursery. It is coming along very nicely. We still need to add something to the walls, but the majority is done. Daddy did a great job with the chair rail (with help from uncle Andrew) and mommy helped with the satin pink lines on the walls. Grandaddy helped hang the baby chandelier which adds a nice little sassy touch! The room is all ready for our little princess.
We were not able to go do the 3D/4D ultra sound today. The place called and cancelled due to the weather. We were looking foward to seeing our little KK. Hopefully we will be able to see her next week!


  1. It is so beautiful!!! Looks like a princess is coming to live with you. LOVE the drapes! Can't wait to meet her! Love you-Mike and Kel

  2. Amanda - Congrats!! I just found out you guys were expecting! So happy for you!! Looking forward to all your updates!! Love, Ashley (Norton)
