Friday, April 9, 2010

Kennedy's 1 Week Birthday / First trip to Granny and Poppy's

Here is Kennedy's 1 week Birthday and her first trip to Granny and Poppy's house last weekend. Granny and Poppy are already spoiling her rotten. We also went over to Granmommy and Granddaddy after Spencers B-day party. They loved all over her and can't get enough of those cheeks. Both our parents were such a big help when we cam home from the hospital. We could not have done it without them!

Cousin Hope and Cousin Ryder Meet Kennedy

Hope and Ryder came over to meet Kennedy last week. They both were fascinated with the little baby. Hope wanted to poke the baby and Ryder wanted to pat the baby. They both have very sweet ways of showing baby KK how much they love her!


Baby Kennedy made her debut on March 25th @ 11:24pm. KK weighed 7lbs and was 20 1/2 inches long. We delivered a week past our due date. Mommy was in labor for 2 days and finally baby Kennedy decided to come out with her hand over her eyes because the light was to bright. (Aunt Kelly said she was waiting for her nails to dry that is why she was late) We did have some complications during delivery, but we are blessed that she is here now and everything turned out ok. Kennedy was given a clean bill of health and we were sent home with our new bundle of joy on Saturday 3/26. And so it begins.....
We would like to thank all our friends and family that came to visit us in the hospital and at home. We appreciate the food, presents, and help that everyone has given. We would also like to thank Aunt Ashley for decorating our house for our homecoming.
I am working on getting better about posting sooner. We are adjusting to having Kennedy in the house so I am able to catch up on things. I will try and post more often.

Daddy and Kennedy

Here is Daddy holding Kennedy for the first time. Lee is the most incredible daddy I could have ever asked for. He adores her. She knows his voice too. It seems at times that he is the only one that can calm her down. Not to mention she is ate up with his looks. She is the spitting image of him. I had to go pull out baby pictures to prove that she has any relation to me.
Since we have been home he has been my right hand man through this whole process. He helps with the poopies, feeds her and soothes her. We are having so much fun already and are finding the humor in things even when we are both dead dog tired.
Lee not only helps with KK but he does so much around the house to help me out. He took off 3 weeks from work to be here for us. I could not imagine how helpful and awesome he was going to be during these first 2 weeks. Everytime I see them together I fall more in love with him. Not to mention he is a sexy daddy. I love him so much and am so grateful for giving me this precious gift!