Tuesday, March 29, 2011


Wow. So many new things have been going on since the last post. Kennedy has grown in so many ways. First the big news is.... KK is walking. She started moving pretty well about a month ago. Really just crusin and holding on. Then she wobbled for a couple weeks (couple steps, then fall on her tush) Now she is full out walking. When she falls down, she is back up on those feet. No more crawling. I think she has discovered a whole new world. We are still working on the solid foods. She loves mac & cheese, peas, and anything that mom is eating. She will kill some puffs too.I try and keep those as special treats. She eats her stage 3 foods really well. She has had 6 teeth come in, in the last 3 weeks. 4 on top and 2 more on bottom. So now she has a total of 8 teethies! She can say a couple of cute words. Ma Ma (her favorite :) Da Da, bubbles (from the tubie) boat, and her most used word uuuuggghhh. We go to the doctor tomorrow for her 1 year check up. So I am assuming more shots. Her favorite toys are anything that she can shake and make noise. (she thinks she is hiliarous) She also loves pushing things-anything. She trys to push the trash can around the kitchen. (until mommy catches her and says yukie) She also loves to copy anything you do, make a noise, put on chapstick, pick up laundry. She is such mommys big helper. Last Friday was Kennedy's first birthday-March 25th. I know I can't believe it has been a year. We pretty much celebrated it all weekend. But we did have a party Sunday afternoon. We had sweet treats and ice cream sundae bar. Kennedy got some great presents and some much needed good walking shoes. She had a great time and enjoyed all her friends coming and spending time with her. I posted some pics below. We took 1 year pics that I hope to have posted in the next couple weeks. She didn't really smile in most of them, but that's ok. Enjoy the birthday pics!