Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Spring Time Craziness!!!

Disney World!!!
 Many new things happening around the Rider house this Spring and I am ready for Summer. We have been going full speed with swim lessons, gymnastics, birthdays, Easter and Disney. We haven't slowed down. We took Kennedy to Disney for her birthday and of course she had a blast. Her favorite part was this little roller coaster in Fantasy Land. She still talks about that ride and wants to go back tomorrow she says:) We then did her birthday at McDonalds. I know McDonalds right, but the end of March is so fickley with weather and it is so hard to plan. She loved very minute of it though.  Kennedy started swim lessons this spring and took to it pretty well. She is not afraid of water...I am just not sure we chose the right place. She attended classes at Swim Atlanta and we will not be going back. Not the right approach for me and I am pretty familar with teaching kids to swim...since I did it for 10 years. Easter came along with the dozen easter egg hunts we attended. Along with dying eggs and talking about why we celebrate the blessing of Easter. Daddy is wrapping up his school year and we can't wait to have him home all summer. We started pooling it up last weekend  and that's all Kennedy wants to do is go to the pool. Birthday parties are quit freguent now just about every weekend. I should own stock at Target.
She had her 3 year check up and Kennedy is still growing at her own pace...a petite little thing. Hopefully she will shoot up. Still a slighlty picky eater, but we continue to work on it every day. So funny since when she was a baby she would eat anything in her sight. Favorite Foods is Carrots and Cheese. Is that a sign?

Just starting to slow down and get ready for the lazy days of summer in which we will do nothing:) Vacation is in June and that's all that's on the books for right now! Thank goodness:)

Kennedy and her girl Cinderella! KK was a little shy when she met her:)
Kennedy and Mommy on its a small world

Kennedy's favorite Ride...The Rorrer coaster

Kennedy's 3rd Birthday
Happy Birthday to you sweet girl!!!

Easter Egg Hunt

Dying Easter Eggs
Easter Egg Hunt #2

Sassy Rider Girls
Swim Lessons

Disney on Ice with Grandmommy