Friday, November 19, 2010

Trick or Treat

Okay. So I am a little late updating the Halloween post. We had a great time. Kennedy was going to be a lady bug, but we heard it was going to be cold that night. So we ended up wearing Hope's outfit from last year a Lambie. It turned out to be much warmer than we thought. But she still looked cute. Daddy really got into the night. He was a clown and everyone wanted to honk his squeaky nose. He is so sweet and is the best daddy in the world. Kennedy loved it. Halloween day we made chili in the crock pot and Kennedy and daddy watch Football and Charlie Brown's Halloween special on TV. We were going to visit with Aunt Ashley and Hope, but Ashley was not feeling very well so we stayed in our neighborhood.

A quik update on Kennedy. She has gottten 2 teeth on the bottom. Yeah! Lee and I were getting her ready for bed last week and I said I think I see a tooth. Turned out there was 2. They had just broken through and were razor sharp. We were screaming and jumping up down. She was looking at us like, what are ya'll doing. She is also trying to crawl so bad. She knows she can do it. But can't get that forward movement when she rocks. We are inticing her with toys and the paci. (Not working so far). I am sure she will be mobile by Christmas. Which will be so much fun with the Christmas tree and the lights.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Burt's Pumpkin Patch

We went to Burt's Pumpkin patch a couple weeks ago. Kennedy was fascinated by all the orange things and wanted to know how she could get them all in her mouth. Everything goes in her mouth now. She was adoreable with cousin Hope and had to take it all in. We got 3 pumpkins a mommy pumpkin, daddy pumpkin and a baby pumpkin. They are in our front yard.
Our next post will includeHalloween. KK is being a Lady Bug. Adoreable!

GO Dawgs

We enjoy college football on Saturdays. Daddy does the GA cheer with Kennedy and she just looks at him like he is crazy. Here are pics of KK and cousin Hopey!


So here is an update of whats been going on with Kennedy. So many new things are taking place everyday. Kennedy started vegetables a couple weeks ago and it is going good. We started with squash which she loves. Moved onto carrots which she was not to fond off, then sweet potatos. Now we are with green beans. She is still deciding on if she likes them or not. It seems like she doesn't really like any of them when we first start but by day 4 or 5 she gets better with every bite. KK is trying to crawl. We are working with her, she gets her little bottom in the air and one leg down and grunts. But can't seem to make that forward movement yet. She is starting to wave when you say bye, bye. It is adoreable. She is also flipping in bed at night which worrys me to death. Since we have always heard, back is best. But the doc says if she flips herself in the night it is fine as long as there is nothing in there with her. Which we have done the naked bed since day one.
We also think that she is starting to work us. When I leave the room she starts to uuuggghhh. Then when I put one foot in, she stops. One foot out uuuggghhh. So mommy is having to start the tough love thing. The last few nights have been very hard. She has been waking up every couple hours, when we go in and pick her up she goes right back to sleep. So tonight we are going to do the tough love thing. It is so hard, I want to rush in and pick her up every time she wimpers. But I have got to stand strong. (Because Mommy and Daddy need sleep). So we will see how it goes. Her hair is coming in really good on top. But still not much on the sides. So she is working a great comb over. And everyone still thinks she is a boy. I can dress the girl in all pink and I still get he is so cute. So I now just say Thank you.

She also loves when daddy comes home. I say look whose here, It's daddy! and her face turns towards the door and lights up. It is awesome. She is getting over her first ear infection. Let me tell you it is not fun given a 6 month old medicine. It goes everywhere. But towards the end mommy got pretty good. Someone gave me the tip of blowing and her face and it helped. She got better very quickly. Thank goodness!

We have had many things going on the last month, B-days, Ga games and the pumpkin patch. I have listed updates. Enjoy!

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Kennedy gets Baptized

Kennedy got baptized a couple weeks ago in church. We have been visiting Cumming United Methodist and Sugar Hill UMC,but did not feel quit comfortable doing it at either one of those yet. So went back to the church that mommy and daddy got married at. I was so nervous that KK was going to show out. But she did such a great job. Just sat there and checked out the preacher while he put water on her head. Now she is a child of God! We are so blessed to have her in our lives!

Cousin Ryders Turns 1

Ryder had his first birthday a couple weeks ago. We can't believe he is a year old. He is growing so fast and is such a sweet boy. Since the pool party got rained out they had a BBQ with bubbles and toys. The kids had so much fun and it is always good to spend time with our family!

Jake's First Football Season-Go Tigers!

Kennedy's cousin Jacob started football this year. He is so adoreable! The players look like little bobble heads since the helmets are bigger than them. (they are 5 and 6). He is doing very good and one day would love to be an Archer Tiger like his daddy. Jake ran the ball last week and did a great job. Parker is going to start golf lessons this fall. We love spending time with them and hope to catch some GA games with them this year. Go Jacob!

KK Update

Ok. I know it has been forever since the last update. I am sorry. I will first tell you whats going on with Kennedy. Then do some updates of events that have been going on the last couple weekends. Kennedy is completely rolling over and loves it. As soon as you place her on her back she is on her tummy. She has turned into such a talker too. She loves her teething rings, which we know she is so teething. It hasn't broken through yet,but I think it will be any day. Anything you put in her hands, goes to her mouth! Kennedy has the most adoreable laugh. She is such a great baby!

Her foot found her mouth this week. Which I knew when I saw her trying in the bath tub it was going to be soon. As soon as I layed her down to dress her it was in her mouth. Adoreable! She loves her big girl bed and has been doing so good not being swaddled. The first night we laid her in it, she slept so good all night(we should have done it sooner!) Anyways, she sleeps great it in and usually goes down around 7:30 or 8 and sleeps till 6:30 or 7:00(YEAH!) Kennedy loves to eat. As you can tell. We started the spoon this week and she is doing very good. It does take about 5 chances to eat 1 bite. But you got to start somewhere. She completely gets the rice cereal all over her when she eats. It is seriously from head to toe. Kennedy loves her bouncy seat. She bounces in it everyday for at least 15 minutes. At night when I am putting on her PJ's we do a mini massage with the lotion. When I do her legs she just collapses her legs. It know they are sore from all that jumping.
Football season has started. So every friday night we go to daddy's game. GO HOYA'S! There is something about Fridays nights in the fall. There is no where else you should be except at a high school football game. Daddy coaches football at Harrison highschool in Cobb County. We are trying to move closer, but have had not luck. Harrison has an incredible football program and is a great school. Daddy loves it there! Kennedy loves hanging out with her girls at the game.
(Mary- Madeline, Hendley, Ally & Ella) We have a little sorority of coaches wives and there girls over near the end zone.

Monday, July 19, 2010

Kennedy loves sitting in her bumbo seat. The first time we set her in it. She was looking all around and was very impressed with herself, that she was sitting there by herself with no one holding her. She is on the verge of rolling over. Daddy works with her everyday. She is almost there. She can't seem to get that back leg over yet. I still swaddle her at night though. That will be coming to end soon. I can't swaddle her when she can completely roll over. I am starting to break her into having her arms loose while sleeping. She naps with her arms out (in the touchdown position) but they wake her up so much when she is asleep. If anyone has any advice on how to keep baby's from moving there arms so much while they sleep, pass it along. One loud noise or fidget and she is in that freeze positon with her hands up.

When daddy gets back from his coaches retreat next week. We will be moving Kennedy to her big girl bed. She is still sleeping in our room in her bassinett. It is breaking my heart to think of moving her into to her own room. Right now she is just an arms length away from me. Every little move in the middle of the night and I am up, going over to stick the paci in her mouth. I know moving her to her big girl bed is going to take some adjusting for me and for her.

KK goes to the doctor next week for her 4 month check up. I know, I can't believe it has been 4 months. She is growing so fast and is getting so big. As you can see in the photo below, she eating very well. And has lost her neck in the process. She has already out grown her baby bath. Mommy put her in the bumbo to take a bath tonight, but I don't think this is going to work for future baths. She can't sit up on her own yet, but I can't hold her while I am washing her. She is to slippery. Daddy ended up getting in the bath with her at the end to help mommy.

Kennedy loves bath time. (like her mommy) She kicks and splashes the water. I knew she was going to be a water baby. Mommy has to pull her fat rolls apart to make sure she is washing all her parts. Not like there is any dirt to get in there. Most days she just chills in the house. Her hair is coming in pretty thick these days. It looks like it is going to be very dark.

Daddy has had some great bonding time with Kennedy while he has been out for summer break. She will be starting school in 2 weeks when Daddy goes back to work. She will be attending Carrington Academy starting the first of August. It is a great private school located in Windemere. We toured all day cares around and this by far is the best we have seen. Some friends in our neighborhood have children that go there and have spoken so highly of the program. It will be good for her to have interaction with other children as well. Right now we really have been spoiling her while she has been home. Mommy does work from home and has a flexible schedule, so she won't have to go to school everyday all day.

We are getting Kennedy baptized in 2 weeks. So I will definatley be posting pictures of that. I hope she behaves when we are up at the alter. She is getting to the age where she is starting to get really upset when someone she doesn't know holds her. So I am sure it is going to go over very well, when a stranger she doesn't is holding her pouring water on her head. Lord help us! But it will be well worth it for her to become a child of God!

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Beach Trip

We took our first trip with Kennedy to the beach last week. We had a great time. She was excellent. She slept the whole way down and back while mommy watched sweet home alabama. Kennedy didn't really leave the condo, but only to put her toes in the water. It was nice to get away and do some shopping.

First Mothers Day

This is my first mothers day with Kennedy. We had a great day. Since we had spent most of the day before with my family taking pictures. We went to granny and poppy's to spend the day with them. They love seeing KK and visit her usually weekly. They have shown me so many pictures of Lee when he was her age and she looks just like him. She is ate up with her daddy!

Day Family Pictures

Here are the Day family pictures. All the kids did so great. As everyone know it is not easy to get kids to sit still for a picture. I included the picture of all the parents trying to make the kids smile and run out before Lori grabbed the shot. It was hilarious.