Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Spring Time Fun

We have alot going on around the house right now. Kennedy continues to be the big helper. As she say's be girl. (meaning big girl). We have been busy planting flowers & playing outside every night. We took Kennedy to the zoo last week. I think she enjoyed it. But I really think she thinks the animals on her cartoons are just as real as the animals at the zoo :) Don't think she is quit there yet. But we had fun. We are having some sleeping issues in our house. Around KK's 2nd birthday Kennedy decided she didn't want to sleep in her bed anymore. Starting waking up at night. She has always been a great sleeper. Then all of a sudden, can't lay her down at night awake. We have to sit in the rocking chair until she fall's asleep. (usually 20-30 minutes) I know things could be worse. But we really don't know what do to. We did say bye bye paci and she got a special treat that the mailman brought her. She never really asked for it again. She doesn't have it at school. But this was before we took the paci. I spoke to the Dr when we went for her check up and she suggested the cry it out  method. I just can't do that. We tried one night and after about 45 mins. I went up stairs. KK said mommie set with me. It broke my heart. I can't handle it when she cry's. (you know before I had kids I though I would be this discplined mommie, always on routine and I am such a mushie mommie) Anway's that's where we are at with sleeping or lack there of. Any suggestions would be much appreciated.Kennedy will be starting swim lessons soon. I will have to post pics. I have added some pics of spring time fun, Kennedy planting flowers with daddy. Riding in her jeep and the zoo. Love to all...

Planting flowers with Daddy.

Zoo Atlanta

Easter Bunny Hop! Hop! Hop!

Easter was fun in the Rider House. We dyed Easter Eggs on Thursday. Kennedy was actually good.(didn't break any) The hardest part was waiting on the eggs to cool after we boiled them. Kennedy loves to hop like a bunny. She says hop, hop, hop. We attended 3 Easter Egg Hunts. By Sunday she was a champ at catching those easter eggs. We started with the first at school on Friday. Mommy and daddy came to share in the fun. Kennedy and her partner's in crime Anna Lane and Braden were so excited about the Easter eggs on the playground. They kept peaking out the window wanting to go out. They were so much fun to watch. On Saturday we headed up to Granny and Poppy's and got lots of egg's. These eggs were special because they had money in them. (which Kennedy loves putting change in her piggy bank) Kennedy and Rider had egg's overflowing out of there basket. Sunday the easter bunny came, we went to church, then headed over of Shannon's for the Day Easter egg hunt. We got a cute pic of all the granddauther's on Mom's side of the family. We had Ham and all the yummie's for Easter Sunday. Kennedy still has easter candy left. Usually after dinner she asks, can I have a treat and mommy let's her pick one peice out of her easter bag.

Kennedy dying Easter Eggs
Kennedy, Anna Lane & Braden
Easter Egg Hunt @ School


Hope, Kennedy, Parker & Maddi

Bring on those Eggs!

Ryder & Kennedy